Your MNAC representative

Do you know how to voice your concerns about neighborhood issues to the city’s administration? Is there something you have noticed in your neighborhood that you want the city to address? Maybe you want to know more about city activities or have suggestions for the city’s comprehensive plan.

If so you may want to contact your Mayor’sNeighborhood Advisory Commission representative.

The Mayor’s Neighborhood Advisory Commission is made up of members from each of Bellingham’s neighborhoods. Together they inform the mayor about each neighborhood’s concerns and make decisions to address any problems in the neighborhoods. To report any issues you can contact the board directly at or 360-778-8100, or contact the Barkley representative Gina Urcuyo.

During the last meeting they discussed traffic congestion and recklessness in the neighborhoods. They also confirmed that each neighborhood association will continue to receive a $500 fund to use as they see fit. This year Barkley Neighborhood Association used the funds to send postcards with meeting dates to all of Barkley’s residents.

Some recent issues that were brought up to Urcuyo include:
·      ATVs driving through park trails
·      Graffiti
·      Possible traffic increases with the opening of the movie theater
·      Speeding and reckless traffic through residential areas and near schools

Urcuyo disseminates relevant information about the city’s decisions and activities on the Barkley Neighborhood Association Facebook page.