Sunday, January 15, 2012

Barkley Neighborhood News in Bellingham

For the next eight weeks I will be covering local news in Barkley Neighborhood of Bellingham, WA. To fulfill assignments for a reporting class at Western Washington University the stories will focus on neighborhood changes and activities that are important to the people who reside in Barkley.

Feel free to keep up to date with Barkley's news by browsing my articles and blog posts.


  1. I like the format of your blog! Was it hard to build? Or does blogspot have lots of cool options? I should get my stuff together and update mine! Thanks for a bit of inspiration. Also, what is the residential area like?

  2. There are multiple residential zones in Barkley. Some are single family residences with a low density of buildings and newer infrastructure while other residential zones house multiple family spaces with a higher density of dwellings. There is even some residential space in the mostly commercial area of Barkley Village.
